It was only on the GFWL store, you can still download it if you owned it before the store was shut down. Doubt you will be able to find a unused retail version now. Shame as it had more content then the 360 and a shed ton of mods which adds all the extra modes that 2/3 had, also a shed ton of other mods. People still play online as well, not many but you will normally find at least one match.
They should release it on Steam imo, but m$ would never allow that I don't think.
Just buy the used retail version from someone. It uses the old GFWL serial number system so if it has used up its 15 limit of activations then you just buy any other retail GFWL game for £1-2 or so & use that serial number instead as up until 2009 you could do this until MS closed the loophole.Is this available anywhere?
Just buy the used retail version from someone. It uses the old GFWL serial number system so if it has used up its 15 limit of activations then you just buy any other retail GFWL game for £1-2 or so & use that serial number instead as up until 2009 you could do this until MS closed the loophole.
PC version does not have local co-op just online co-op.I am after this also, seen some on ebay for like £10 but obviously the gfwl will of been used?
But can this be played on local coop like the xbox 360 version could?
Its easy just invite your brother within the GFWL guide button you can even use the same GFWL key each!Me and brother would do the story together, not play online but looks like if there is no offline coop then would need to get the online part working...
Seems a right ball ache..