Gears of War Release Date

3 Jul 2007
Gears of War Release Date is set for November 2007 i cant promise it wont get delayed but thats *** game spot has its release Date set for
johnno93 said:
so hopefully it'll be on time and be a good port.
I expect bad performance at resolutions 1280*1024 and higher and a big performance hit when enabling FSAA :(

Will it be a straight port or will they make different or extra maps/levels?
Dutch Guy said:
I expect bad performance at resolutions 1280*1024 and higher and a big performance hit when enabling FSAA :(

Will it be a straight port or will they make different or extra maps/levels?

Its not a port, they've already said this, its got a separate team making it for the PC, it uses a newer version of the Unreal3 engine compaired to the Xbox version, and it has more maps.
HeX said:
Its not a port, they've already said this, its got a separate team making it for the PC, it uses a newer version of the Unreal3 engine compaired to the Xbox version, and it has more maps.
Nice, but that also means that FSAA might not work :(
A rough date at best, from gamespot, which immediately crushes any hope for accuracy.

Don't worry, we know you can't promice anything... lol.
Unfortunately for GoW, November is also when Call of Duty 4 has been peniclled in for... Which looks so utterly stunning :D
Also Crysis is November 16th according to the devs and the publishers...

it runs on the same engine as bioshock doesnt it? Should be good performance then.

not that i like the game at all, i found it boring, but maybe the multiplayer will be better on PC with more user created content and stuff.
Garyj881 said:
Excellent i didn't know it was coming out for the pc.

That is the ONLY reason i was going to buy a 360.
That would've been silly then :p GoW isn't that great a game at all, tbh... I didn't even realise it was a hyped game until after I bought it, and even then I don't see what all the fuss is about! I have more fun on Call of Duty 3!
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