Geforce experience question.

4 Aug 2006
Just been using Gforce experience to record desktop / videos as a test, full screen, including audio. The resolution and fps (30/60) settings in GE seems to make weird differences to file sizes. 1080 or 360 gives basically same file size (using 1 min of vid to test) 60fps gives smaller files size than 30fps. What's going on here?

Basically, 1080/60fps gives smaller file size than any other combination.
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Test it in games not desktop, very little is happening recording the desktop as much of the screen pixels remain constant and only moving elements are updated, which results in much smaller file sizes.
Thanks for your comment. My intention is to record me using software for instructional purposes, not gaming. I'll probably just use 1080/60 as (weirdly) that gives smallest file sizes.
Windows screen shipping tool can do exactly that too now and records at full desktop res too.
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