GeForce RTX 2060 VENTUS XS 6G OC, looking for CPU, RAM and Mobo to go with it

2 Nov 2002
HI there it has been a while and hope you all had a good Christmas so far, I am after some help for my Brother in Law if that OK he was given a GeForce RTX 2060 VENTUS XS 6G OC For christmas and wants to use that as the start to upgrade his old system that is actually my old AMD FX4300 mobo and CPU combo that I had from here probably a decade ago.

Looking for a cheapish but moderatly decent mobo, Ram and CPU combo if anyone can help out with links or suggestions I would be really grateful ...cheers guys
Asked him that he said he would try and afford the best cheapest option, I would say probably no more than 400 though.
Mate thanks for all that the first one you posted is probably ideal for him as cash is an issue and he would not be doing this if he had not had the card as a gift, I will send him both options but think he will take the second or the third, thanks for the replies and the time and hope its a Happy New Year/
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I dis miss this but think he would be safer shopping new he isnt great with parts and I dont want to send him down the second hand route as I cant get to him to check parts and help him put things together.

Thanks though.
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