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Geforce Titan rumours.

Yeah, but oc.net is so sterile compared to here imo.

Agreed but at least people can post in a thread without worry.

From what I see, it's just a minority of over vocal zealots that stir things up and make the rest of the place look bad.
Generally, I'd like to believe we're a fair minded lot who enjoy a good discussion.

We all get passionate and some more than others. I will discuss good and bad all day long but some get nasty in responses and this is what spoils it.
Agreed but at least people can post in a thread without worry.

We all get passionate and some more than others. I will discuss good and bad all day long but some get nasty in responses and this is what spoils it.

I think where there are some heavy debates here the technical know how is a fare bit higher here too compared to oc.net.

I remember one time on oc.net someone picking an argument with me about vram usage, with the knowledge I gained here on overclockers the argument did not go on too long.
I can't add anything as you beat us 2-0 in our back yard, but i will just say this. That innings Kevin Pietersen played against you when he got 158 was breath taking.


Back on topic now.

Titan user benches plox.

Yes South African exports do tend to work quite well, sadly they don't make graphics cards.:D

I'm old enough to remember Basil D'Oliveira a Titan of cricketers.
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My Titan is due on Friday..

I think where there are some heavy debates here the technical know how is a fare bit higher here too compared to oc.net.

I remember one time on oc.net someone picking an argument with me about vram usage, with the knowledge I gained here on overclockers the argument did not go on too long.

Agreed Kaap.

I post in the Nvidia surround thread and one of my responses was about 2*7950's being faster than my 680's and wasn't happy and advised someone who was asking, to get two 7950's for surround gaming.... Bad move on my part, as a few said I was wrong and this and that and drivers and issues and I typed out a response (which I felt was the right answer), deleted all my typing and changed it to. "My bad and 2*670's is a good choice" (or something similar).
Maybe the Dons/Mods could put it to a vote for separate sections? We could have one section of AMD and Nvidia and one general graphics section that's un-moderated and make it a free for all. Kinda like hardcore death match mode but geeks arguing about who's hardware is faster.
Your luck I have to wait until the 12th of march before I get mine. I got the evga SC sig edition. That's not released until then. I can't believe theirs still no benchmark on Titan yet?

Well it may be worth it in the long run, EVGA have best warranty now. Couldn't find any EVGA cards when I ordered, My card was £830. Some on here said they got cards for less I couldn't find them anywhere lol..

Looking forward to getting the Titan, want to run some benchies :p. Hoping it will last me a few years without the need to upgrade. Hopefully all the way up to Nvidia's Einstein..
Would you then get people making duplicate threads asking about what's better in two or three separate sections?

AMD Section - For discussion about AMD cards.

NVIDIA Section - For discusssion about Nvidia cards.

General graphics section. For discussion about all graphics cards. For example whch should i get 7970 or 680 etc.
Would you then get people making duplicate threads asking about what's better in two or three separate sections?

AMD Section - For discussion about AMD cards.

NVIDIA Section - For discusssion about Nvidia cards.

General graphics section. For discussion about all graphics cards.

The idea behind this is you won't have the same people bashing amd drivers in the amd section. Nor would you have the same people bashing titan/nvidia prices in the nvidia section. That would solve the issue greg mentioned earlier anyway. I think it could work. Its just a suggestion. :)
AMD Section - For discussion about AMD cards.

NVIDIA Section - For discusssion about Nvidia cards.

General graphics section. For discussion about all graphics cards.

The idea behind this is you won't have the same people bashing amd drivers in the amd section. Nor would you have the same people bashing titan/nvidia prices in the nvidia section. That would solve the issue greg mentioned earlier anyway. I think it could work. Its just a suggestion. :)

presumably then threads relating to e.g. "7970 vs Titan" would end up in general, same as "spec me a graphics card"

whereas "spec me an NVIDIA" should go in NVIDIA obviously, and "AMD eyefinity problem" would go to AMD obviously.
When my Titan arrives.. There's a knock at the door I open the door and there begins fanfare like in this,

There's fog everywhere, out of the fog Jen-Hsun Huang appears to hand over the Titan in person...

That's how every Titan delivery should be for nearly £850 ! :p.
Tbh, I think it's an either/or situation.

Either you split it into two sections OR you keep the general section.
Even if there are independent sections, the same old arguments would occur in the general section anyway.
So the answer is to separate them to have their own internal discussions, but still keep the general section that we have now and get the peacekeepers to withdraw and leave the savages to it?


presumably then threads relating to e.g. "7970 vs Titan" would end up in general, same as "spec me a graphics card"

whereas "spec me an NVIDIA" should go in NVIDIA obviously, and "AMD eyefinity problem" would go to AMD obviously.


Yes and yes. This has the potential to work. For the people who are a bit shy, soft, however you want to phrase it they can safely relax in their sections without fear of getting lynched because they bought an expensive graphics card or because they've not had any driver problems etc etc.

The general section can be a free for all with a disclaimer on it. The area where geeks are turned into serial killers.
presumably then threads relating to e.g. "7970 vs Titan" would end up in general, same as "spec me a graphics card"

whereas "spec me an NVIDIA" should go in NVIDIA obviously, and "AMD eyefinity problem" would go to AMD obviously.

I always thought the "spec me" type posts should be a separate section anyway as they are repeated daily..and often a source for arguments ;)
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