Geil 2gig Value Vs Best Overclocker?

1 Aug 2006
Guys i have just upgraded onto an X2 4400 with a DFI expert 939 board. I currently have the above 2 gig geil value ram set, now what im wondering is what is the best 2gig kit to purchase and whether it will make any difference to an overclock?...

If so what theoretically could i be reaching and is it worth the extra outlay?

Many thanks

NooB ona hotdog !
Just to clarify : I already own 2x 1gig sticks of geil value ram ...

So - Will i see any improvement if i sell the current and upgrade to, for example GSkill or Corsair xms etc etc

What would be the max i could get from an overclock using more expensive memory

i.e 2.6 / 2.8ghz

Thanks again guys

Currently sitting at 2.4

220 fsb
11 multi

What else can i try to get my cpu going a bit more? Im not really sure how a divider works, i understand lowering it but how and where im not too sure on? Just after some more free advice really :p

Coming from an old socketA athlon 3200, i really cant see what all the fuss is about yet? Not really a great deal quicker in my day to day pc running... Someone said do superPI? I did and i got 35seconds to 1M :confused: How the hell does this do anything for me? Realworld - its not a great leap for me at least -:: sorry.

So suggestions please, i need more speed !!!! ;)
Sweet - thanks guys, ill give this a go for sure !

So general concensus seems to be that the 2gig geil value ram is a keeper and i wont see much extra performance out a new kit!!!?!!!

Cheers for the advice :)
Many thanks MrthingyX ;

Just by doing some divider malarky i have managed to get to about 2.6 on my old 'girl value ram'her 2gig. I have noticed bugger all difference in my day to day running except that pointless 3dMark score is higher...

many thanks for your replies; im off to be a hyporcite too - going to try and overclock the video card to see if that makes any difference to BF2. Probably not then me'thinks.

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