Geil 2mb Value Ram conundrum

Your timings are too tight at the moment you're running at 2-3-2-5 (CAS-tRCD-tRP-tRAS)

Try setting them in the BIOS to:


Boost Vdimm to 2.8V aswell :)
Minstadave said:
Yup use the timings I said in the second post and see if that helps :)

sorry to break in like this but i have my mem running at 2.5 3 3 7 almost like you have said but my question is (forgive my noobieness) what is the Bank Cycle Time & DRAM idle timer? as my setting are way above monster munch's i.e. Trc 11 clocks & DRAM idle timer at 256 clocks (is this right?)
As i said, please forgive my dumbness as i am new to all this malarky ;)
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eljaes said:
sorry to break in like this but i have my mem running at 2.5 3 3 7 almost like you have said but my question is (forgive my noobieness) what is the Bank Cycle Time & DRAM idle timer? as my setting are way above monster munch's i.e. Trc 11 clocks & DRAM idle timer at 256 clocks (is this right?)
As i said, please forgive my dumbness as i am new to all this malarky ;)

Dude check out this guide later on it explains what all the setting are in a DFI bios :D

Most useful read, even if you don't have a DFI motherboard.
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