8 Aug 2006
GeIL 2GB (2x1GB) PC6400 800MHz Ultra DDR2 Dual Channel Kit (Only £108 @ OcUK)
Hi guys just wondering,this ram looks soooo good.wats the best overclocks people have managed running with the conroe especially interested in any gigabyte ds3 or ds4 owners.
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Well...i just got a on XS memory it is in RED as one of the good overclocking ram to get...and at that price.....could'nt help myself. :D
I want to give this memory a try too.

I have a DS4 and an [email protected] - unfortunately the G.skill 2x1gb NR DDR2-800 I originally ordered with this kit didn't work so had to RMA it and pick up some generic DDR2-667 locally to get my system up and running and get back into Oblivion ;)

I can't manage more than a stable overclock of 2.33ghz with that - but I simply just changed the CPU to 7 x 333 and the memory to 2.00... I'm a noob when it comes to hardcore OCing so havent as yet messed around with voltages etc.

Any advice appreciated.

I might put my order in for the Geil tomorrow and cross my fingers it works!
Hi there

Right the Intel Bad Axe motherboard is not good enough to cope with this memory:-

No matter what I do slacker timings, one stick I cannot push past the this FSB stable which is pretty common on the Intel 975X Bad Axe motherboard.

I think you will agree this is incredible memory as its running at its specified timings but at over PC8500 speeds, in fact well over PC8500 speeds. Its running at 1150MHz+ at CAS4-4-4-4 timings with just 2.2v.

I personally believe that in a top specification mainboard with good voltage upto 2.5v this memory will see 1200MHz+ at CAS4 and well beyond that at slacker timings.

If you thinking of buying memory this has to be it, why buy OCZ, Corsair PC8000/PC8500 at £300 when you can have this superior memory for a little over £100. :)

Get buying folks! I've just ordered another 2000 kits from GeIL to make sure we don't run out of this super duper memory, bargain of the century I think. Remember its compatible with all the Intel DDR2 motherboads and the AMD nForce based DDR2 mainboards too. Happy days!!
ok i just recieved my geil memory this looks sexy :)
mobo and cpu arriving monday.went for the gigabyte ds4.
am keeping everything crossed.wish me luck :p
tiber said:
ok i just recieved my geil memory this looks sexy :)
mobo and cpu arriving monday.went for the gigabyte ds4.
am keeping everything crossed.wish me luck :p

You should beat me easy as the Intel board cannot get past 470FSB stable. Those Gigabytes have been churning in some nice 500+ FSB stable results and in theory this GeIL memory is good for 600FSB is you can find a motherboard that will run with it. :)
I ordered a kit yesterday for my P5W DH Deluxe + E6600. From what I've read on other forums, this ram clocks just as good as the G.Skill HZ with the same 4,4,4,12 timings.

My biggest concern is that the day-glo orange heatspreader will clash severely with my TT Blue Orb II ;) :D
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