Geil settings on DS4 motherboard

30 Apr 2004
Hi all,

I've just built a new PC using a Gigabyte Ds4 mb and put some of the Geil ram that was on offer last week in, but I'm not sure if it's running at the right speed?

The BIOS seems to idicate it's running at 667mhz, instead of 800mhz???

If anyone could give me an "idiots guide" to setting this up then i'd really appreciate it. :)
enter the bios then ctrl-f1.then change memory speed to whatever you at 400 fsb if you set it to 2x you'll have your rated 800 speed.hope this will also have to increase vdimm by atleast .3.
As above, use the drop down box to select the multiplier to get the nearest to 800 if you want to run standard, you should be able to set the ram timings to 4-4-4-12 if all is well up the voltage by .3v to start with then to .4v if it doesn't like it, the DS4 starts at 1.8v and the Geil needs around 2v - 2.3v.

Hope this helps. :)
hi all,

building an X2 system as soon as the bits arrive, question is brought some of the geil ddr2 ultra modules (1gb(2x512) pc6400 800mhz) as it was on offer, just noticed that the mobo i've ordered states dimms @1.8v and the mem on ocuk states 1.9v, will it work ok without tweaking or am i gonna have to adjust the mem voltage on the mobo?

thanx from a nooob
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