Geil value 2gb or Gskill pc4000

30 Aug 2004
My dads about to order some new parts including a 2gb value kit. I had a thought that both me and him would gain if i sold him my geil value for say around £115 or £120 then i could add £40 and get some Gskill that can overclock to about 280fsb?

I get better ram for a bit more and my dad gets better ram for the price he's paying. Is this a good idea?

also im sure there was a Gskill kit not long ago that was PC4000 and was £146?
the hz pc4000 is about 150 and so is the zx3200 which has lower latencies. I chose the zx3200 in the end so I could slacken timings and get higher fsb if I was unhappy with a divider at low latencies. Lots of conflicting information about on which is better or if there is any real difference (on a amd system that is)

not tried for higher fsb yet.
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