Geil Value 2GB set, Lanparty NF3 250Gb

23 Oct 2004

maybe getting the Geil Value 2GB kit soon and was wondering what kind of clocks and timings the current batch is getting, at the min i'm running the 1GB Geil Value kit on a divider at 200MHz 2.5/3/3/6 and HTT at 240, would like to run 1:1 if possible.


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Havent really stressed it i think but i can use my geil 2gb at 2.5,3,3,7 timings and works fine. Havent overclocked it fsb wise tho just used a divider last time i tryed oc the cpu. It probably can go up to about 240 tho.
Got my order this morning at 9.30am, ordered yesterday at about 5pm ish now that's fast service :)

well default timings were at 200MHz but it runs nicely at up to about 220MHz 1:1 at 225MHz don't matter how slack the timings or voltage it wont boot. but i have it at my "Normal" Overclock of 240/200 (HTT/RAM)

all in all Great ram :)
Why are you trying to get it up to 220 anyway? Diddnt think it made a difference on A64 (thats if u have one)
just to see what kind of headroom i had, its running 200MHz 2.5-3-3-6-1T (Default was 3-4-4-8) at 2.6v with the HTT at 240. (166MHz Memory Divider)
Are you running your 2 gig Geil value with the 166 divider on the DFI board?

I can't OC on anything under the 180 divider (ie will only boot on 166 using stock timings / voltages).

Currently running 240 (10x24) on the 180 divider - that's about as high as I can push it.

What sort of OC are you running?
I'm running on the 166MHz divider at 2.5-3-3-11-1T 2.6v with the CPU at 240x10 and 1.55v, been running stable at those settings for the past year (with the 1GB kit) and its Prime95/S&M/OCCT/Memtest stable at those settings with the Geil Value 2GB Kit
im running my new 2gb geil ram @ 207mhz 2.5-3-3-6 @ 2,9v

all in all seems good. not really tried clocking higher yet as still trying to fine tune my opteron 146... doesnt want to play at 3ghz - yet.
Camalot said:
Why are you trying to get it up to 220 anyway? Diddnt think it made a difference on A64 (thats if u have one)

If your CPU clock is > 200Mhz, then running the RAM at the same clock will definitely make a noticable difference. However, clocking the RAM faster than the cpu clock is pointless. Upgrading RAM to something that can clock faster is normally not worth it either, as the cost is far higher than the performance gain (eg. £220 ram upgrade for ~8 fps speedup in some games).
Squidge said:
If your CPU clock is > 200Mhz, then running the RAM at the same clock will definitely make a noticable difference. However, clocking the RAM faster than the cpu clock is pointless. Upgrading RAM to something that can clock faster is normally not worth it either, as the cost is far higher than the performance gain (eg. £220 ram upgrade for ~8 fps speedup in some games).

Yes, thats what i think. I will never notice the difference between say 60fps and 67fps lol
Lemonzest said:
with the Athlon64 Chips, CPU MHz is king for performance, ram speed makes very little difference.

Yep, thats why i tell friends not to waist all there money on some stupid high priced ram when there hardly going to notice a difference over value ram on a divider.
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