Geil value OCing

6 Nov 2005
Just in the middle of clocking my system. My memorys running at 466. This sems a bit high to me, however I dont have much experience in clocking memory. Im in the middle of testing it at this speed. Could some one give me a little advice, before I have a nasty accident.

Is there any advantage to running the Corsair TwinX 2GB XMS3200C2PT over the geil value kit? The corsair is meant to run at 2.5-3-3-6 on AMD so if the geil value can reach that is there any point in paying more?
Geil Value should do 230-235 but need 2.9volts and can easily handle this as stated on the geil Website. mine have run fine at 235 but i run them on a 333 divider so i can push the CPU further.
mine wont hit 220 but ive only ever put 2.7volts through them max. Is it worth getting GSkill PC4000? I am currently running 2x1gb geil value on a 150 divider at 280fsb (so 200mhz)

i mean would i see an improvement if i set a 166 divider and put the Gskill to 280?
geeza said:
mine wont hit 220 but ive only ever put 2.7volts through them max. Is it worth getting GSkill PC4000? I am currently running 2x1gb geil value on a 150 divider at 280fsb (so 200mhz)

i mean would i see an improvement if i set a 166 divider and put the Gskill to 280?
Put 2.9 thru them and see if they will go higher, they will officially take 2.95. i run mine on a 333 divider.
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