19 Aug 2004
What voltage do I need to run my GEIL 2gb 6400 low latency at to get it to run stable at 800mhz 4-4-4-12(GX22GB6400UDC)?

its crashing out and doesnt complete memtest at stock 800mhz settings, and the system doesnt even reboot when I set it to 4-4-4-12 on normal voltages.

If you could post me screen shots of your settings that would be great.
I've got the older 5300 ram, and they don't like more than .3 extra volts. In the bios MIT set the ram to 2, divider. I take it you are going to overclock. Try changing the ram timings to and make all the other changes for overclocking. (EIST disbled, I think it's the last four options in that that section needs disabled.)

Try memtest on those setting. If all if fine, In MIT give the fsb +.2 and the (G)mch + .2, set the cpu volts to 1.35, and the pcie to 105. Reboot and check these work. Now goback into bios and change the fsb to 400, and reboot.

You should be able to get 430-470 fsb in stages, but always start at 400.

Got a question for you regarding the PC5300 on the DS3

What was you able to clock to that was stable with air cooling before you went to water? i cant warrant the pc6400 geil atm cos my budgets abit tight, but im looking to get 3ghz if possible with decent air cooling from hsf and case Fans.

If you've tried +.4v then loosen the timings to 4-4-5-14 and see if it passes, there looks like quite a lot of the Geil 6400 Ultra that won't work at stock settings, but can work loosened off. Then it's up to you if your prepared to put up with it or RMA it, I'm on my second set the first was DOA the second will only manage those timings, I bought some Corsair which works a treat even above the timings it rated at. I might be mistaken but I think there's only Gibbo and one other guy on here who has had an overclock out of it the rest is either running at stock or can't manage stock timings. Good luck if you RMA it Geil have replied once in a week asking if I tried 2.2v and that's it :mad:
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