GeIL vs Corsair

13 Aug 2005
United Kingdom.
I currently cannot choose between these two brands. I mean GeIL 2GB (2x1GB) PC6400 800MHz Ultra Low Latency DDR2 Dual Channel Kit is better for the money, but I have not seen as many RAM problems with the Corsair 2GB DDR2 XMS2-6400C5 TwinX (2x1GB)... advice?
Tetras said:
If you can find someone with the board you wanna buy and that RAM (both working) then 99% chance you'll be ok too, worth posting the board model here and seeing if anyone can confirm ;)

Okay then, looking at the Asus P5W DH Deluxe to go with the E6600, how's that work out?
Thing is, I don't think my choice of mobo/RAM will make much difference, as long as it all works and I have the best I can for the money.

Though going alittle off topic here, the Gigabyte DS4 was my other mobo choice, but I have seen people say that it is more for the lower end cpu's.

Overclocking the spec is not something I am that interested in (I can see myself destorying it :D )
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