Gemini Man

I think it looks like it could be a decent movie. They've got months to work on the cgi a bit more.

Can't imagine it'll make much money unless the budget is sensible, though. Which I doubt it will be with the cgi Will Smith.
Hmmmm, not a fan of that trailer, nor the plot device of a clone killing the original which, by now, must be played out in cinema.
That does look pretty terrible...

Looking at the production history of this film, or lack of it; this film has been in development since 1997. It's been through several rewrites and several actors have been attached over the years, such as Mel Gibson and Sean Connery. I guess it's no surprise that it looks ****.

I’ve seen better CGI in The Last of Us.

How can do de-age Sam l Jackson so well in Capt Marvel but can’t do it in this.

Comes down to money I guess. Marvel were more likely willing to spend more as they are pretty much guaranteed a good return. Given the trouble this film has had over the years, I can't imagine any more money would be thrown at it than necessary.
Roughly same concept as the film Looper with Bruce Willis, so why is it nothing much is an original any more?

Though, with Will Smith there's been a string of shows that have been redone.
I’ve seen better CGI in The Last of Us.

How can do de-age Sam l Jackson so well in Capt Marvel but can’t do it in this.

Much larger budget, different effects houses having different levels of experience at doing it? Also the movies still months out so it could well improve before release. Digital shots generally are tweaked upto the last possible minute, especially cg on faces.
Made some bad baaaaaaaad choices this last decade, new agent etc maybe? Anyhow Will, CHOOSE BETTER MOVIES!

for the money they offer him he's not going to say no, not like he's an actor that he generally picks films cos hes interested in them or looking at picking up some "awards".
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