General Advice on Buying a Gaming Bundle

31 Aug 2012

Ive recently been thinking about upgrading my rig. ive found the bundle i want but am unsure of a few things.

Im going to get ( but wanted to put it into a older system. i.e. I want to keep my HDD, Case, PSU, and peripherals.

What kind of issues can i expect and how can i avoid them?

Also will i need a new HDD with a new OS on it?

is there a way i could use my old HDD as i just bought it a month ago and bought a "single use" windows 7 disc for it. (therefore i'd really prefer not having to buy either an OS or HDD)
ah sorry should have done that at the start

its a packard bell Imedia x2415

im unsure which motherboard it uses but i know it uses a q6600 @2.4gz processor, has 3gb of ram, and the harddrive is SATA.

i can try and get more information if you need it
lol yeh ive heard that before, but it basically will be a new computer because im going to be replacing the only original parts left, the processor mobo and ram.

i replaced the PSU, GPU and case a long time ago and as i stated before my old HD stopped working so thats been replaced too.
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