General health & fitness advice please?

2 Jan 2004
Hi all,

I’m looking for some tips to get generally fitter and healthier after the better part of 40 years pretty much abusing my body!

I’m almost 40, about 6’3” tall and currently weigh around 16st (although I've been up as high as 17st before!). I wouldn't say I’m overly fat and it would appear I don’t look as heavy as I am as whenever I tell people what I weigh, they always say “yeah, but you’re tall so it’s OK!” – great, except it doesn't help me while I’m trying to run around after the kids (3 & 1) at a play centre!!!

I've got a gym membership and try to go 3 or 4 times a week in the evenings on weekdays (I have to help get the kids to bed so don’t tend to go until 7 or 8 o’clock at night!) - weekends are just too hectic with the kids!

My gym routine consists of:

  • 15 minutes on the treadmill at speed 11 (no incline) with 3 minutes cool down
  • 3 sets of 12 reps on an arm weights machine (usually the one where you sit facing the machine and pull the handles down from above – sorry I don’t know the names of the machines!)
  • 50 (or sometimes 100) sit-ups (I tend to lie flat with my arms by my side and lift my head and back about 6-8 inches off the mat rather than the full “arms-behind-head curl to my knees” type – this is because I have had back problems pretty much all of my life and it’s the way I was shown by a physiotherapist!)
  • 3 sets of 12 reps on another arm weight machine (generally the bicep curl one!)
  • 15 minutes on a stationary bike set to “random” and difficulty level 8 and then 3 minutes cool down
This tends to take me about an hour and I’ve generally worked up quite a sweat!

I know this isn’t the best routine and I’m probably doing some fundamental bits wrong (like not warming up properly – I tend to use the treadmill as my “warm up”) but it’s sort of the routine I had made up for me when I had a session with a personal trainer when I first joined a gym in my mid-twenties!

The areas I’d like to work on are my general fitness and stamina as well as trying to get rid of my gut, double chin and my moobs! :D

Diet-wise I’ve always thought along the lines of “well as long as I’m doing some form of exercise (I’ve dabbled with the gym, squash, football etc over the years) then I can eat what I want” but it’s becoming abundantly clear that I simply cannot do that at my age!!!

For the last few days I’ve joined my wife on Weight Watchers (she has been doing amazing on it and is almost at her target weight!) keeping to their “fill and healthy” routine – again I’m not sure why, I just wanted something to follow to aid in my weight loss!

This week my diet has consisted of:

  • Breakfast: Bowl of porridge made with skimmed milk
  • Snack: Apple/banana
  • Lunch: A couple of those brown Warburtons “thins” with wafer thin chicken and lettuce
  • Snack: Apple/banana
  • Evening meal: Chicken breast, bacon medallions (cooked in a tiny bit of low fat oil/spray) in a salad

I know some of the above will seem strange/wrong but on the WW “fill and healthy” plan you can have as much as you like of certain foods, including chicken & bacon etc!

I work in an admin-type role so spend a lot of my day sat at a desk or in my car so I do have a few cups of coffee throughout the day too!

Not looking to become Mr Universe but would like to get down to around 14 stone – according to the BMI calculator on the NHS website I’d be considered healthy at between 10st 8lb and 14st 5lb but I dread to think how gaunt I’d look if I was at 10st 8lb!!!!!!!

Anyway, I guess what I’m after is a few tips on a decent gym routine to try and target my concern areas mentioned above as well as other general nutrition tips to get myself fitter!

Thanks for any comments guys, the other “help me I’m out of shape” threads seem to have been very constructive!
Thanks for the quick replies guys!

I've had a very brief look at the 5x5 workout and it looks very interesting (and also could possibly fit in with going to the gym Mon/Wed/Fri which is handy!) - I've not read much but it appears to be predominantly for gaining muscle as opposed to weight loss - is it supposed to be done in conjunction with cardio such as the treadmill and bike?

I've always thought general fitness and stamina were built up by doing cardio more than anything else!?!?

Diet-wise I've never gone silly and just eaten **** for every meal but I used to have an awful lot of takeaways!

Think I'll try and stick with the WW plan for a few weeks and see how I get on or until I can come up with a more suitable plan!
Thanks again for all the suggestions and advice guys!

I'm definitely going to give the Stronglifts a go (I've downloaded the app in preparation) but before I do I really need to watch the videos etc to make sure I'm doing the exercises properly (and safely!) - I've never even been near any of the equipment I'll need to use!!!

Due a gym night tonight so will probably just do my usual cardio but have a go at something else weight-wise instead of my arm reps and the sit-ups - just until I'm confident in what I'm doing and what weights to start with etc!

Thanks again guys, all advice welcome!!
I had a quick go at the squats tonight at the end of my workout (although it wasn't free weights but rather a bar that was fixed to the frame that you tilt to put back on - assume this is just as good??) - quite enjoyed it but it is quite tricky, even with no weights on the bar!

Will do some proper reading over the weekend and start a full program on Monday hopefully!
Thanks for all of the replies guys, much appreciated!

I've watched a few video's this weekend to try and get the "form" right and so tonight I'm going to give it a go for the first time!

Having watched the video's it isn't entirely clear (or maybe I missed it!) how long I should rest in between the sets of 5 exercises??

Also, there is little mention of warming up other than to do reps without my weights on the bar - but as a total beginner I'm not putting weights on right away anyway so does that mean I don't need to warm up??

Got the squats, bench press and barbell row tonight - have to admit I'm a bit nervous about the barbell row simply because of my back problems in the past!
Thanks for all of the suggestions guys!

I appreciate the different points of view but I've decided to give the Stronglift program a go to see how I get on!

I like the idea of a relatively short workout as well as the strengthening of my "core" so I'll try the program for the initial 12 weeks and see how I go on!

Now my progress hasn't been quite so positive so far - couldn't get close to the necessary equipment on Monday night so just did some cardio and a few squats with a hand weight.

Wednesday night I went a little later so it wasn't so busy and did "Program A" (squats, bench press and barbell row) - All done with relative ease (in fact I felt a bit of a fraud taking the recommended 90 second break in between) but today my legs especially feel like I've run a marathon!!! :eek:

Anyway, rest day today and on to program B tomorrow!

Wish me luck!
Just a quick update on this, I started doing the Stronglifts program a few weeks ago, although it was interrupted slightly with one of the kids getting poorly and then a couple of nights out eating & drinking for my 40th! :p

On the whole though I'm starting to feel the benefits to be honest!

I've sometimes struggled to get access to the necessary weights racks/bars at my gym but on the whole managed to do the different exercises OK - in fact I felt a bit of a spanner putting the smallest possible weights on the bar to start with, especially on the squats - but they increase faster than all the others because I'm doing them every other day so it's getting better!

The app suggested a 90 second rest in between sets but especially on the lower weights I really didn't need this - although again it's quickly becoming a longer rest as it gets harder!!

My weight has reduced to around 15 1/2 stone but I'm also still dieting pretty stringently too but the biggest difference has been to my back pain which seems to have reduced considerably already! (I imagined some of the exercises would make it worse, not better - barbell row especially but in fairness it seems to be doing the trick nicely!)

All in all a positive start so will report back when I'm a bit deeper into it!

Thanks for all the suggestions guys!
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