Germans again

18 Oct 2002
For those of you that speak/read German:,1518,406981,00.html

Basically, one of Germany's largest Clothing Retailers has banished all products of the Lonsdale brand because apparently, German Neonazis like wearing them due to the "NSDA" in the name :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

They fear that Lonsdale, despite its "high manufacturing quality", has attracted the tag of right-wing clothing, and they want to help rid society of extreme right influences.

To put things in perspective, its like British retailers banishing Burberry due to its Chav connotations.

Bonkers :confused:
Certain pubs in the UK banned Stone Island clobber due to the casuals' penchant for the label. Not that crazy.
Wryel said:
Chavs = Neonazis?

Its the closest I could come to :confused:

Basically, you're banning a clothing label simply because of certain people wearing it.

Imagine they ban combat boots as well. Or leather jackets.

Well a load of shopping centers will not let you wear hoodies iirc.

Its the same thing, it is a retailer, and they can choose which products they wish to stock, and the type of customers they wish to attract.

Nothing wrong there in my opinion.
Nozzer said:
Certain pubs in the UK banned Stone Island clobber due to the casuals' penchant for the label. Not that crazy.

I didnt realise your average chav could afford the extortionate prices Stone Island charge for their ****.
Well i guess the retailer has the right to not stock certain brands but not meaning to be ignorant but what does "NSDA" stand for?

Google brought up some disability charities site:confused:
suicidle_tramp said:
I don't see what the problem is :confused: They're trying to suppress a minority who are doing a lot more harm then good.
Because you don't "suppress" people in a democracy until they have been convicted of a crime in a court of law, not matter how undesirable they might seem. This is also very unfair on the manufacture and could be considered anti competitive behavior, and against EU free market rules
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So a store has decided not to stock certain products because they don't want to be associated with the people who buy them and it's the end of freedom?

It's entirely down to any business what they choose to stock and what they do not.

I'm thoroughly confused...
Dolph said:
So a store has decided not to stock certain products because they don't want to be associated with the people who buy them and it's the end of freedom?

It's entirely down to any business what they choose to stock and what they do not.

I'm thoroughly confused...
My mistake, I thought this was a government initiative. :o

/Note to self, read the OP.
panthro said:
I didnt realise your average chav could afford the extortionate prices Stone Island charge for their ****.
I didn't mention chavs. However, there's plenty of fake gear knocking about, isn't there?
Isnt Lonsdale a boxing clothing brand??? :confused:

Anyways very strange that is, hmm germans funny and strange lot they are :p
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