Germany in another over the line footy incident

18 Oct 2002
Womens u20 world cup

Ball clearly over line for france,bit like lampards, no goal given , haha, wonder what platini and blatter say to this one.
wikipedia said:
Blatter incurred the ire of female footballers in 2004 when he suggested that women should "wear tighter shorts and low cut shirts... to create a more female aesthetic" and attract more male fans, remarks that were ridiculed in the press.

If Blatter's in a sudden rush to implement goal-line cameras after this, then it's almost certain he's gonna have the lens trained down the keeper's top :D
Its going to be a joke if we actually have new camera's put in, and the ref can take time out to go and look at a replay, but only for "did it cross the line" situations, which are honestly, only 4-5 times a season, while they still aren't allowed to check for punches, two footed leg breakers, penalties using replays from the camera's ALREADY THERE.

Goal line tech is the least needed thing in football, before Lampards goal, there was only 3-4 significant "did it cross the line" situations I can think of, stretching back to the was it Spurs v Utd a few years back. IT will be a backwards step if they introduce video replay, but limit it to the single most pointless, most rare situation to crop up in football.
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