Get a network printer to work (SUSE 10)

4 Feb 2003
Well I now have SUSE 10 up and running with all mplayer working lovely with anything I throw at it etc.

*Noob Alert*

I was now wondering if it's possible to utilise the printer connected to and shared by a Windows machine in my network as I have a few things I desparately need to print. If it's possible how do I do it? (The printer is a Canon s520 if that makes a difference)

Thanks for any help.
you could use samba to share the printer out to you windows machine :)

You would normally need the drivers on the linux machine, but you could try it as a raw printer and see what happens.

Ahh sorry I see we have crossed wires, my bad!

The printer is already on a windows machine (my file and print server in my network) but I want to print across the network to it from the linux machine, sorry :(
Hi yer understood you the first time ;)

still need the drivers on the linux box - unless it will work to windows in RAW mode, which i doubt very much.

Cheers for all your help, managed to get it working passably as Canon BJC 8200 using the Gimp Print provided set. Blimey what a palava. Time to get a new printer I think Canon don't seem to moved by Linux :mad:
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