Get Cape,Wear Cape, Fly - The Chroninicles of a Bohemian Teenager

9 Jul 2006
So i recently got this album, and after three listens I'm quite liking it. Not really sure why, I just like the way it sound. I think it may be because I'm a huge fan of the sound of accoustic guitars, but the vocals are pretty good.

What do y'all think?
Yer it's a decent album, very easy to listen to with some catchy tunes :)

It's good during a hard day at work :p
I bought this album purely on a spur of the moment thing after hearing a bit of the (part 1) to the song in the title on Hollyoaks. Max and O'B were watching TV and it came on for like 10 seconds and I just had to buy it after finding out who it was by.

Definitely worth it. Hopefully they'll be a success. :)
First saw Sam at Reading last summer and thought it was one of the best performances of the weekend. The album has divided a lot of my mates, and he can come across a little pretentious and angsty, but I've seen him a couple of times since and always loved it.
Never seen him, but I did hear one of his shows on the radio, fairly impressed. You might like the Frank Turner album... He was the lead singer of Million Dead, now a solo singer/songwriter.
Heh Million Dead.

There was a gig I helped organised.

Million Dead, Days of Worth & Engerica.

All of them have split up.
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