Get Hasselhoff to number 1

4 Oct 2004
From Wikipedia

On April 21, 2006 anonymous fans of David Hasselhoff launched the tongue-in-cheek website Get Hasselhoff to Number 1 in an attempt to generate the momentum required to send the 1980s hit, "Looking for Freedom", to the top of the UK music charts based on Internet downloads of the single. The campaign is ongoing and has attracted attention in the British national press and on the Internet. Over 20,000 people have signed up so far. When the total number of sign-ups on the site reaches 75,000 the owners of the site will send a "Hoff Alert" email to all those who have registered alerting them that the time has come to purchase the single. The intention is that the surge in sales generated will propel the former hit to the top spot in the British chart ensuring radio plays and television appearances for Hasselhoff.

Sorry but this line in his freedom song just cracked me up "Walking down the road with my heavy load” :D
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SideWinder said:
Do you think he knows that people are just laughing at him and consider him a bit of a joke?

I'm sure it really bothers him when he's waking up next to the gorgeous women we can only dream about and driving cars we buy Gran Turismo to get a shot of :D Like him or not he's got the money!
SideWinder said:
Do you think he knows that people are just laughing at him and consider him a bit of a joke?

Yes. His video 'Hooked on a feeling' sort of gives that away.

And now, a treat:


I'll probably get banned for that.
mrdbristol said:
Obvious fake.

The Hoff has " Man Hair " !


His hair is different class. 'That Baywatch Mullet'

Not everything brilliant in this world is real, I'm afraid.

That doesn't include Star Wars, by the way. Which is rubbish.
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