Get Out Of My Yard

Man of Honour
15 Nov 2005
Basingstoke, UK
.. has anyone heard it? It is the latest (albeit last year) release by Paul Gilbert and it is fantastic. If you like some serious guitar playing and decent compisition, it hasn't been off my playlist since I got it.


I really wish the G3 tour with PG in it was coming to the UK :(
alexthecheese said:
I only like the title track to be honest, and that's cos it sounds crazy. The rest is a bit 'meh'. I'm more a Satch man myself.
I can only say.. :eek:
Andelusion said:
Rusty Old Boat is my favourite track :D I'm not particularly mad about the album though, I think his playing style is getting a bit dated now to be honest.
Could you not say the same about Satch, and to a lesser extent Vai now though?
Andelusion said:
I'd bet after a few years of listening to Gilbert and Dream Theater you might appreciate Govan more. I reall hope I'm not coming across as patronising here as I really don't mean to be, but personally I've spent years listening to Satch/DT/Vai and they were a huge inspiration to me in the beginning, and I'll always regard (especially Satch+Vai) as the reasons I got into guitar

Indeed, I really got into guitar with Passion & Warfare, The Extremist and Images and Words which took me to a whole new level after Metallica and Testament got my rhythm buds moist.. now I find I go through phases of playing a lot of Vai/Satch and then leave it for a few weeks.

Govan has done some amaing stuff hasn't he, I definitely think his music is a "next step up" (again, not being patronising).. I can tell if music is good though if my fiancee doesn't like it :p
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