get sky onto my tv upstairs ?

28 Mar 2004
N Ireland

Just wanting to know what do i need to get the sky channels on my tv that is up stairs ?

I have the sky box etc downstairs in the living room but fancy it upstairs now without forking out for extra sky+ lark.

So, what do i need ? I know this is probably in the wrong section but dont see a tv section. :cool:
You can have Sky on anotehr tv say like the one upstairs but you can only watch what channel you have on the one downstairs. Can't have two different channels running off it at once.
Just run some co-ax cable ftom the RF 2 output on the back of the sky box to your bedroom and get a magic eye so you can change channels from upstairs.

Just enable the RF2 output in the sky setup menu

Make sure you use high quality cable to carry the 9v signal that powers the magic eye
It transmits a tv control signal. So pointing at it upstairs and pressing a channle button, it'll transmit to the one down stairs and change the sky box.
Yes but theyre not that good.

Much better with the co-ax cable and magic eye if you want a trouble free solution.

Other than that there's no other way.
mightynimrod said:
Course there's an extra cable needed - from the RF2 output on the rear of the sky box to the TV upstairs.

I thought he just meant the i Magic not the hole lot, however yes you can serch for "av sender" on yahoo
You can get a pair of RF dishes that will do it, cant remember the exact name but they connect via composite+L\R audio to whichever device (TV\video\skybox).
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