Getting an England top (name or blank)

18 Oct 2002
I'm going to get a nice white top, but what's everyone's opinion on having a players name printed on the back

Can get Rooney 10 on the back for free, but can't decide if its a bit chavy or weird.
Have the number 66 on the back and have the name as "losing since" :p

Serious answer would be to just have your favourite player's name on there. It's not weird or chavvy. :)
nothing chavvy about football shirts, unless you wear them to a club or something like that.

And yeah just get whoever you want, I've got Solskjaer on my latest United shirt (got it when he retired :))
I just like plain football shirts.

I think they look a bit daft on like teenagers / adults when they have names on.
Not a football man but always just leave my rugby shirts blank, think it looks better personally
Off to town to get mine in a bit. I never have names on mine, although I may have 10 put on the back.
Get a polo shirt or something instead. Wearing football tops anywhere other than a football pitch whilst playing football is a bit Jeremy Kyle.
I have a few random football shirts that I usually pick up cheap at the end of the season etc. They're great for sport and comfortable for wearing at home. Never have names, although I do have one with Fabregas on :(
I always prefer to leave mine blank.. Think it looks better! :)

My new England away top just turned up actually.. Much prefer the away shirt to the home shirt this time round.

nothing chavvy about football shirts, unless you wear them to a club or something like that.

Try telling that to my missus! She hates it if I wear my shirt when I'm not going to the match she says it makes me look chavvy! :)
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