Getting an ibook working with a projector – please help.

5 Jun 2005
I have a 833mhz ibook I was given and want to get it working in my room with my projector for film use. I plug it in and not much happens! I played with the settings and got a fuzzy picture, however I have since lost that, I don’t really know what I’m doing on a mac. I plugged my friends g4 macbook in and that worked fine without touching anything. Any ideas? Is there a ‘hot key’ for turning on projectors?

It has the latest OS.
Have you pressed F7 when the cable is plugged in?

This will tell the Mac to switch display options. Are you connecting using VGA?
as guff as it sounds no.... i was unaware there was a 'key' so i will try that when i get home, i'm a mac noob, all i know is my mate plugged in is pretty old g4 macbook and it just worked. So i'm happy with the cable setup and projector as i also use it all the time on my pc.
Most PCs have a key (if they're a laptop) that switches to external display / extended display mode :)
PC = Personal Computer.

I was talking about all computers (including the Mac), so I guess using the acronym "PC" was a bit vague, sorry.
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