Getting an iPhone, thoughts?

5 Jul 2003
Atlanta, USA
More and more lately ive found myself wanting an iPhone for reasons that are beyond me.
Yes i enjoy my iPod Touch, but occasionaly yearn for more portability.
Now, im perfectly happy with my N95-8Gb, and the recently added W&W makes it even better, but ive been doing some maths.

Asuming i can get the goin rates for used N95-8Gbs & 32Gb iPod Touches, coupled with some other money i have 'spare' i should be able to buy out the remainder of my existing contract with Tmobile, sign a new'en with 02, and get a 16Gb iPod with a total loss of.....£15.

Thoughts & musings people?
Worth doing? Plain silly? Or a masterplan? lol.

Thanks in advance all. :).
I was originally put off the iPhone because i used to txt a lot, but now im emailing far more, and email on my touch is brillient. Where as on my N95, as good as the googlemail client is, the Exchange client is next to useless.

Has anyone used the iPhone with Exchange?
Whats the battery life like on an iPhone anyway? Obviously it depends on usage, but whats the average?

Wonder how much i could get for my N95-8Gb & iPod...?
Used iPod Touch 32Gb's seem to go for about £200, where as N95-8Gb's seem to vary between £150 & £300.
The N95-8Gb is in good nick. A few minor scratches in 'odd' places, but none on the screen, completely perfect the screen is. Its about a year old, and is both SIM unlocked and uses the generic Nokia firmware rarther than a branded one?
Theres rumors of an iPhone refresh this Jan, with an 'iPhone Nano' coming out.
I wonder what the changes are of a new revision/more memory/price change to existing 'full' iPhones are?
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