Getting back into folding

2 Aug 2013

I used to fold on a few pcs from about 2002 to 2006, but not since then - a cancer project and some through BOINC. Time has come to upgrade my pc from the spec below and was wondering if there are better bits of kit for folding. At the time it seemed to be more GPU focussed rather than CPU. Is that still the case? I can't seem to find any definitive info now.

Ultimately looking at i5 or i7 in mATX with a somewhat better GPU. This will be my main machine, just contributing the spare cycles.

Also, are certain projects optimised towards certain components?

Thanks for any comments.
Well, new machine's finally up and running (in sig) and currently running FAH on cpu and gpu. I used to run BOINC years ago, so will go back and take a look at that for cpu. Currently subb'd to Team 10 for FAH.

Thanks for your comments - looking for graphics card upgrade in next few months, so good to get an idea on what each can do, ppd.
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