Getting back into Ubuntu

29 Dec 2009
While I was reinstalling windows (due to upgrading hardware) I used Ubuntu to hold all the files I wanted to keep and it used a launcher that hat had a pink background. Now when I start my computer it goes straight to windows. How do I get back into Ubuntu again?
Just want to clarify - did you install ubuntu/windows side by side and use grub to choose which to boot, and since reinstalling W7 you cant get into ubuntu?

If you just want the files, boot a live cd of Ubuntu, and mount the ubuntu partition.
Firstly I installed windows then Ubuntu and used grub to boot into either one and now grub just seems to of gone when I installed windows7. It would also be nice to get into Ubuntu again via grub though.
Yeah - so you'll have to boot off a livecd, go to terminal and reinstall grub as Windows installs its own boot loader on install.
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