Getting Back into Web Design

20 Sep 2003
I have been out of the web design game for about 3 years and haven't designed anything that time. I work in a office with a few frontend developers and they have inspired me to get back into it but looks like things have moved on as always with code. I have put together a basic design but have been told I should use a framework like Pure CSS so that its responsive and dynamic for multi platform. Looking at Pure CSS I'm finding it difficult to get my head around the concepts of grids etc.

Can anyone recommend a way into using this frmawework for a n00b/beginner who is trying to back into web design?


basic design
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A very basic grid framework is toast.css have a look at the Devtips video on it here.

Grids basically you create a row or container then use columns that fill that area .
So full width could be 12 for example then you can use Columns to fill that so col-4 col-6 col-2
Which would be a 3 column layout in that proportion.

You can prefix with sm md lg or the framework equverlent to say what breakpoint it needs so a div sm-12-col lg-6 would be full width on a phone but only half width on pc.

Is that what your asking
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Bootstrap is also a good one to start with. There's a chap on Youtube called Coder's Guide, he has a good little beginner course on it.
Thanks for the starting guides folks, that youtube link was handy and gives me a starting place. As for boot strap I was trying to avoid that as I've read your site can end up following a certain design pattern and end up looking like all other bootstrap sites. Seems quite bulky as well, I prefer the idea of streamline
The thing is, Bootstrap has been very widely adopted, and therefore is a good skill to have. When it comes to web design, a lot of sites are now Boostrap or Wordpress, so I would say those are the big two frameworks to look at.

I would also learn how to do responsive design in HTML 5 from scratch. I have done this in the recent past. It's worth it from a learning point of view and will help you to understand the frameworks better. Buying one good book may help to begin with. I bought CSS3: The Missing Manual by David Sawyer McFarland, and it was helpful. See also:

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