Getting Big Christmas energy

29 Aug 2007
Hi team!

If I am breathless it is on account of BIG CHRISTMAS ENERGY and not because - what even is 'a panting fiend'? Today I recount* why.

Cliff notes: !Christmas!

Crystalmas was invented by the Romans because they kept forgetting which day of the year it was and they were rock hard for an annual works drink night so came up with Coca Cola to run their ad campaign for the fat boy on a sledge. Oh my god so hot except it wsan't hot because it was winter (but only in some places because geography and timezones). I think they then gave him gifts to distribute (was Father Christmas in cahoots with them or was this an intolerable imbalance of power? Click here to find out more)

How rad is that? BIG Christmas energy right there.

* 'I recount' is also a legit great band name but probably a better lyric. What do you think? Let me know in the comments and don't forget to like and subscribe!
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