Getting bored with WoW...

18 Oct 2002
I'm sad to say it, but it's looking like I'm reaching the end of my WoW days.

I hit lvl60 a few weeks back and since then have spent my time getting Lightforge Armor, playing the Battlegrounds and raiding MC. I'm BORED!

Grinding from 1-59 was a blast and I loved every minute, but I find I now spend most of my time faffing around while waiting in BG queues!!
As a Paladin, raiding is dull and at times irritating as you watch loot, which you can put to good use, get passed by you as your not on the Priority list. Add to the mix the DKP system, which does nothing but favour the people with far too much time on their hands and you have Raids that add up to nothing. As a casual player it's impossible for me to outbid someone.

With my life at the moment I have a lot of time to play video games, but not always in one long chunk. I might have an hour here, and hour there. But not 3-5 hours in one stretch. WoW when you hit lvl60 doesn't cater for players like me. Battlegrounds take one hour to get into, then in the case of AV, can take 3-5 hours to finish. I usually log off long before I get into the Battleground.

So...that's what I stand atm. I have a lvl60 Paladin, lvl52 Rogue and 4 other low lvl characters which i can't bring myself to level. Having had a great time with WoW I think I'm finally starting to move on....but to what?

Anyone have any suggestions? I've got Guild Wars but it didn't grab me when I first tried it. I want a Pick up and Play MMORPG really. I can't commit to 3 hours for a instance run, it's not healthy and it's not always fun.
I'd say 90% of the games instances are far too long. Forcing someone to play for 3 hours straight is unhealthy. The only instances I enjoyed were The Stockades (can be done in under an hour) and Stratholme Baron Side (again, can be done in an hour). Larger ones like BRD (the Jailbreak quest) are just insane and i refuse to do them.

I've got several alts, and I'm tempted to lvl them, but I'm just putting time into something that I ultimatly wont use.

I tried Eve Online afew months back and found it far too complex for me...I'm not thick, but Eve just scared me off.

I've started fiddling with Guild Wars today, which looks a lot more catered for players like myself. Mostly Single Player content with MMORPG PvP content which doesn't take hours to complete. It doesn't seem as nice a friendly as WoW started off though, but I'm sure I'll get into it. Just reading the GW thread now.
I've been logging in and out all day, I just can't bring myself to play with any of my characters.

Think I'll be cancelling my subscription for awhile, see if anything else catches my attention.

(Still not "feeling" Guild Wars at the moment. Playing a lvl2 Warrior/Elementalist. It's a lot of running around at the moment...)
Pixel said:
I found there was an invisible barrier to break through once I hit level 60, it's this barrier that determines who stays on after level 60, and who leaves the game entirely. You have to find something that will keep you interested for a long time in WoW after level 60, for me it was PvP and trying to attain the highest rank possible, for others it's end game raiding such as BWL and the new AQ.

You probably find yourself waiting quite long in BG queues because you're Alliance, and Alliance tend to outnumber Horde on most servers. Take Draenor for instance where the Alliance : Horde ratio is reported to be something like 4:1, Horde wait on average around 2 minutes to get into their BG of choice, whereas our Alliance counterparts are waiting around 1-2 hours to get just one game. This may not be the case on your server, but just wanted to mention it anyways.

I'm not surprised you're getting bored with the game with a Paladin as your main. One time I was PvPing a Paladin 1v1, and I went off half way through the fight and made myself a cup of tea while he was bubbling-up, such a boring class to fight, I can only imagine it's a boring class to play too, I could be wrong though.

Unfortunatly this sums up my expirience a lot. I love the Paladin class, and since the last patch, PVP with it is great fun, but in raids we are reduced to a second class healer standing in the back spamming Flash of Light and Cleanse for 3 hours. It's dull!

I would like to lvl another class, but to be honest it's more the time requirements that are stopping me. It would put a strain on my relationship if I wanted to spend 3-4 hours every friday night raiding with the guild and as Sunday is "our day" it would be unfair to do it then also. I do like playing in the Battlegrounds, but the queues on my server are a joke. I have to wait 3 hours+ to get into AV and it's often 35-40 minutes to get into AB. This means I spend a lot of my time sitting in queues faffing around...

As a casual gamer I have discovered that WoW end game isn't designed for me, so after a year of playing I'll most likely be moving on.
adam cool dude said:
You made a paladin so it's understandable. Re-roll something a bit more fun XD

Actually, I think to a certain extent you have probably hit the nail on the head. It I enjoyed myself more during the raid I might not mind spending 3 hours doing it.

I love the Paladin class, it's got some great aspects like the Auras and the Healing, but even after Patch 1.9 we are still pretty gimped when it comes to damage. I'll admit, I'm the worlds worst at PvP, but I can't seem to beat ANYONE! I've duelled Warriors who laugh, saying that I'm the only Paladin they've beaten.


I've got a lvl52 Rogue, but I don't like playing as him. Rogues are a odd class, not really required for any raids, just there on the side for abit of damage. I want to be needed, but not just there to pad the wounds of those havin gmore fun than me.

I guess I shouldn't have rolled a Support Class though.

After playing a mix of Guild Wars and a few other games today I decided that I still like WoW, and that perhaps it's the class I have choosen rather than anything else.

I have now rolled a Warrior and have started to lvl him...
chase said:
Also, the arbitrary DKP's --where the bleep did these come from? i really intensely dislike how people have accepted this as "the holy grail" of loot systems : who the hell is in a position to tell me its ok for me to help them for 3 hours in a dungeon, but that im not good enough to roll for something my class can use?

I also hate the DKP system, but it's there for the right reasons unfortunatly.

It makes sense to reward the people who are at every raid, as giving the gear to those people will make things better for the guild as a whole. That being said, as a casual gamer (and a Paladin) MC/BWL raiding is quite frustrating as you watch the decent loot passing by you.

This afternoon my guild teamed up with another to take out this big blue boss dragon who had spawned in Azshara (called Azuregos). He is not quite as tough as Onyxia. All I can say is that it's made me see another side of the game, one that is fun and doesn't take hours.

I don't think Paladin will work out as my main in the long's not fun in raids or pvp, it's a pve class.
Rudeboy said:
So Spike_UK are you playing Guildwars and WoW at the same time?
What are your thoughts now that you've played both games?

I'm playing both, but I'll admit, WoW is still taking the vast majority of my time.

I have rolled a warrior now and I'm enjoying it very much. I think I'll just never be comfortable with how the Community view the Paladin class. I don't want to be a healer and IMO Paladin heals aren't really designed to heal a party or a raid, the mana cost is too high for the amount we actually heal.


I've put in afew hours in Guild Wars now too, which I kind of like, but not as much as WoW. It just hasn't gripped me yet. First off, it's quite complex which class does what and the secondary profession system confused the heck out of me. But, having said that, I can see that once you've reached the lvl cap and you've got yourself in a good guild that the PvP element will be very rewarding.

It's too early to tell yet...
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