Getting experience + learning in development?

4 Jan 2013
I've just finished university with a degree in Business Management BSc.

It's taught me some useful components, though I recognise that I need to boost up my employability.

To this end I thought that maybe something like getting a good working knowledge on computing would be a good idea as a project during the summer.

I was thinking of:

-Learning about web development so I have a knowledge? Maybe get myself familiar with HTML5 and CSS3?

-Apps for mobiles. Not sure of how to even go about this, or if it's even possible to get a good understanding in a few months, but it's still a growth area and I feel it would be useful.

-Adobe Suite (got CS6) which I would like to get a working knowledge of, and will hopefully complement the above.

-Word packages. (got 2010) Looking to learn some Excel, Word etc.

Basically I'm not really sure! I've pottered around with various sites before with things like Wordpress, templates of sites etc, but nothing "hardcore".

What would you propose I get myself clued up on?
4 Jan 2013
Are there any good theoretical practices I should learn before embarking on this?

I was thinking of setting a project for the summer. Eg create an app which will work in both apple and android, with a website made from photoshop + dreamweaver.

Getting a certification could be quite a good thing to aim for.
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