Getting F11 photos to PC?

17 Mar 2004
Got my brand new Fujifilm F11 yesterday and had a little play this morning.

Came to putting the photos on my computer and I can't seem to get them off the camera?

Plugged in the USB leads etc, and installed the software. It picks up my camera fine, but when you load up the software it says there no are images?

When I go into playback mode on the camera I can see them all though?

Any ideas? I got some real good photos. :(
I had a Fuji a while back and unless they've changed things then it should appear as a drive letter, so you should be able to drag and drop/copy and paste the files from the camera across to the PC using windows explorer.

Sometimes the camera can be funny though (this happens at work all the time with memory card readers) and demand drive E:\ for instance so you might have to go into Control Panel > Computer Management > Disk Management and change the letter provided to it by windows if you have a number of hard drives or optical drives etc..
I don't bother with the software for my fuji anymore. I just plug it in and it shows up as a drive in explorer etc and I copy the photos to my harddrive manually.

btw don't delete photos from the camera or card from the pc using explorer as I believe this can mess up the formatting of the card. Always do it from the camera.
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