Getting fat....

27 Aug 2003
No, not in relation to 5" wide tires.

I used to cycle around 25 miles a day to work and back. i liked it, did it 5 days a week and 52 weeks a year.

i then got a car.

since then my fitness levels have plummeted and i now have a fat neck and belly tyre.

i want to get back onto 2 wheels. I have a lot of options to get a bike with cycle to work schemes and vouchers etc..

I think i'm more looking t trail riding as battling with traffic is not my cup of tea, but smashing trails and exploring, more, is.

I'd like a bike for around 800. any suggestions? by the sounds of things at that price a Hardtail will be better?

Ive read about 650b, 29's 27.5's fatboy's etc, i think i'm leaning towards 27.5 or 650b?

also, none of my friends ride, so does anybody have suggestions for active forums or other means of getting involved in ride out's etc?? I'm based in East yorks'.

Thanks again guys.

Help a fat guy get thin!
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