Getting into 3D modelling/animation?

15 Feb 2009
Just wondering if there are any professional 3D modellers/animators here?

I started this last year at uni, and it's the first thing that's actually spiked my interest as to what to potentially do as a career. (More interested in film rather than games)
I know you would have to build a portfolio and such (don't have anything to show atm), but say I had that and if I were to pursue it, I would have no idea where to even start? How would you go about finding the companies to apply to? Does the UK even have a 'big enough' prospectus? Or would it be more likely to get somewhere, going to the US? And that's assuming that you're good enough. So how good do you actually have to be for someone who is in their early 20s? Is it a tough industry to get your foot into?

Sorry for the mass questions and if it's a bit ignorant.
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