Getting into development after University.

18 Feb 2009

Quick backstory, I did a course at university: "Computer Games and Visual Effects". Which sold itself as a vocational way to get into the games industry, 'tailored after consulting with developers' etc etc etc.

Long story short, course was a disaster, The lecturer quit to go take a course himself, and I'm still arguing with the university.

Because of all that, All of my skills have been self-taught, and I ended up as a jack-of-all-trades, with no real defined strengths.

Despite this i managed to get a job in the industry, which turned out to confirm all the horror stories I'd heard from others, And after the company folded i didnt want to stay in the industry.

Sob story over.

I'm currently looking where to go now, career wise, and I'm weighing up between Web Design/Development, and Software Development as they're both areas im really interested in.

I've been teaching myself code (Java and C# currently) in an attempt to try and get into development.
But I feel incredibly overwhelmed by the amount of information to take in:

Learning code is one thing, as ive done a fair amount of scripting before.

But learning how to actually develop full programs seems like it would require far more knowledge, that teaching myself may not achieve.

What I wanted to ask was:

  • How hard is it, to learn Web/software development without academic teaching?
    -How much would not having a Computer science Degree hurt me?
    - Do the Microsoft certified Technical Qualifications Hold much weight?
  • As someone who would describe his strength as being in the Design aspect. What would be the better Option (web or software development)
  • Are there any resources i should check out?
    - I've been trawling the web, but without knowing what im looking for, I'm not having much luck.
  • Lastly, are proffesional qualifications/Certifications actually worth the money?
    - Speaking to several people i know who are programmers, they have said No, whereas the internet is about 50/50.

    If you've read this far, thank you.
18 Feb 2009
Thanks for the responses.

Thinking Software and Web development were different disciplines, shows how much ive confused myself trying to research. I blame's course advisors...

Let's say I want to focus on C#/Web.

Any recommendations?
I had quite a bit of luck with Sam's teach yourself Python, but the C# book seems to have far worse reviews.

Cheers Again.

Just out of curiosity, what was your role at the games studio?

It was a small studio so my role was wider than usual.
But my job was making and implementing Visual effects. (fire, smoke, fluids, sparks etc.)
In most situations, that persons job would just be to, for example:
make smoke trail for a rocket, then make an explosion.
Whereas my role would be to make those, then get them attached to the rocket, and set up what triggers the explosions etc.
Simple example, other instances were far more complex, and the game engine was rage inducing.
Probably much more info than you needed.
18 Feb 2009
Wow a whole discussion going.
Cheers for the opinions, and especially the resource links, makes it easier to tell what i'll get along with.

One other question though, when i was looking into Proffesional certifications, they mentioned that the C# framework is being updated in July?

I highly doubt it would be a monumental shift, but does anyone know of anything i should be aware of? Or can i just ignore it until i'm more confident?

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