Getting Into IT

27 Mar 2016
Bristolian living in Swindon
Hi all

Over theast few weeks I've been studying Python and am really enjoying it, I've always wanted an IT job as some of you may have noticed I've always asked for advice on here regarding it, I am working towards a certificate for this Python study and hope that it will help me get a job, obviously id be starting at the bottom and not earning much but I'm OK with that.

a lot of YouTube and Web forums say the only way into IT is support desk, data entry jobs etc, would this be the correct route for me to get into software development, engineering etc

Thanks for any help
No stay away from support desk. It's dead end. You want to look more towards a junior dev role.

Also, if you like python consider data science or cyber security. Just an idea.

Ahhh glad you've said that bud I don't want to be stuck somewhere I can't progress...

I will take a look at those other options also thank you, I do like the thought of Cyber security and have done for some time
The thing I've noticed with many posts on here ref IT (I think I've seen you post a few years ago ref IT too) is that there's a general lack of understanding and direction in terms of what you actually want to do. Do you actually want to go in to development? Development and IT support (from help desk, through network/systems admin levels, to architect) are quite different things, and although with devops this is blurring, they're still nowhere near the same disciplines. I understand this might not be completely obvious to someone outside the industry, but if you're looking for general IT jobs and are busy getting udemy Python experience, there's a mismatch there. Let's put it this way, there are junior sysadmin roles in my team I've just finished hiring for, and no amount of programming experience or proficiency would outweigh even the smallest amount in networks or systems.

:edit: ah yes, I went and looked back, and you've mentioned doing comptia certs. Why the shift? I'm not saying you shouldn't shift, but I'm trying to get to the fundamental goals.

Cheers for the reply bud

Well I've always wanted to get into IT and wasn't sure on how or what I'd need to get into the industry, my goal is to get into Development of some sort, the reason I went for Comptia is to get the basic knowledge of computers and maintenance as I thought I'd need that to get me into a support job then move on from there, I'm now thinking to myself, maybe I don't need basic computer knowledge to go for what I want, Dev work etc so getting myself into Python

Hopefully this makes sense
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