Getting into Metal, need some recommendations!

1 Sep 2003
As title really. Hopefully looking for bands that are loud (screaming!?) but also have good easy to understand lyrics (even cheesy!?). Heres some songs I like as an examples (not many as I'm just getting into this genre):

Rage against the machine - Killing in the name of
Avenged Sevenfold - Beast and the Harlot, Bat Country, Unholy Confessions.
System of a Down - Chop Suey, Bounce.

Any similar bands and their best albums would be appreciated! So far on the list I'm going to get Rage Against the Machine - Rage Against the Machine and System of a Down - Toxicity.
Thanks for the replys I'll have a look round the town today and see what I can pick up and order others. I'll let you know what I think :)
Shopping today I bought:

Avenged Sevenfold - Waking The Fallen (Love Unholy Confessions)
Rage Against The Machine - Rage Against The Machine
System Of A Down - Toxicity
Evanescence - Fallen

All the suggestions are great, I'm going to give the majority a listen on Myspace and pick up the ones that I like. Thanks again everyone :)
Docaroo said:
If you like Evanescence... try Nightwish - they are a good version of that :)

Also listen to some Power Metal!! trust me!!!!

I'm very uneducated in this whats the difference between metal and power metal? :)
haha Its going to take me a long time to have a listen to all these bands... good stuff! :D

Is anyone else like me where you have to listen to most metal songs quite a few times before you like them or notice how they stand out from other songs on the album etc? (obviously with some exceptions). :)
I've been working my way through a lot of the suggestions! I'm still less than half way through though!

Today I bought the best of Skid Row and the best of Night Wish :)
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