Well being the 'geek' I am, I'm getting itchy project fingers again.
This time I'm considering a robotic arm and two webcams for a 'probe' home-brew project for computer vision.
The reason for a robotic arm is to give some degree of movement without having a roving rover.
The main issue is getting the interface for the webcam images (preferrably without compression). Now in Linux this would mean writing my own driver for the particular webcam.. and logitech is proprietary.. so that leaves the choice of windows HAL and logitect or going non-logitech.
Anyone have any comments/advice?
This time I'm considering a robotic arm and two webcams for a 'probe' home-brew project for computer vision.
The reason for a robotic arm is to give some degree of movement without having a roving rover.
The main issue is getting the interface for the webcam images (preferrably without compression). Now in Linux this would mean writing my own driver for the particular webcam.. and logitech is proprietary.. so that leaves the choice of windows HAL and logitect or going non-logitech.
Anyone have any comments/advice?