Getting more from lightroom.. Tips?

13 Jan 2010
Just really starting to discover light room,but don't really know what I'm doing
This goes for both actually development and also using its features

For example I've just decided that I like smart collections
To upload to Facebook for example I flag 'good' and tag 'blue' pics that are FB/flicker worthy
Then create a smart collection for date and colour tag
I only figured this out last night

As for developing, I mainly use that first tab. With temperature all way down to sharpen.
But I'm not really using a technique. I just slide sliders about until I get something I like.. Then come back a day later and change my mind!
But usually I find a bit of contrast and clarity helps more often then not

Only just started using the colour filters for completely changing black and white images

And edit in photoshop I made my first subject in colour - background B&W

Also added my first gradient filter in Post

Basically there's loads you can do.. What big things might I completely miss? Or is it literally a case of playing around more and more?
Literally just found a tip that when uploading to Facebook you should set longest width to 2000px to avoid compression by FB
Wondered why they looked so bad

I'll have to check some of these YouTubes out
I normally set the export size to 960px on the long side and a dpi of 96.

I either export these to desktop or upload direct using the publish.

The best thing about Lightroom is that the development module is a workflow that you can follow downwards. It doesn't mean you can go back, but it makes sense to set the exposure settings before the curves.. and then sharpen feature etc..
I normally set the export size to 960px on the long side and a dpi of 96.

I either export these to desktop or upload direct using the publish.

The best thing about Lightroom is that the development module is a workflow that you can follow downwards. It doesn't mean you can go back, but it makes sense to set the exposure settings before the curves.. and then sharpen feature etc..

I've never played with curves. Yet more I have to learn. In fact I think that's the only bit I haven't toyed with.

Am I right in thinking LR can't stack images for increased dof? I had to do that in PS last time

I still also have to learn all the library management features of LR... I don't think I have an ideal system yet

I love how LR maintains the raw image and saves the instructions so you can see any single stage back in process

I never saw the purpose of export to desktop? Is it just saving a copy of the finished file?
Am I right in thinking LR can't stack images for increased dof? I had to do that in PS last time

I'm using an older version but i believe i was reading that the latest version can. Not sure.

I love how LR maintains the raw image and saves the instructions so you can see any single stage back in process.

Yes, it's a feature i specially like, but in general i like the workflow.

I never saw the purpose of export to desktop? Is it just saving a copy of the finished file?

Well yes, you'll want to export your finished picture somewhere, whether that's for printing, sharing etc. I export all my Photo's in a separate folder with max res and and DPI so I can print them if I choose.

I'm not likely to use the reduced sizes for fb again, so I export these to the desktop, upload then delete... That's just my preference.
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