Getting new RAM

22 Mar 2006
I'm thinking I'm going to buy more RAM, but I'm a bit unsure of what to get. At the moment I have a Kingston 512mb PC3200 stick, and I've been considering getting a 2x512 Pc3200 giving me 1.5gb. I was thinking of either the crucial or corsair stuff which is £50... I've heard that mixing RAM isn't advised but if they're all the same speed is it ok? Also is it better to have 2x512 or a 1GB stick? My motherboard is Asus P4P800-VM if that's relevant. Thanks
Thanks for the reply. The thing is I can only spend around £50.. So I'm not sure whether I should get 2x512 or 1gb and also which to get.
According to its description : "Dual-Channel DDR400Dual-channel DDR technology doubles the bandwidth of your system memory" is a feature. I'm still in the dark about getting 2x512 or 1gb, and is there any way to know if the RAM will run fine with my existing 512.
My friend told me that 3x512 would run better than a 1gb and 512. I'm still a bit unsure of what to do, which 1gb (or 2x512) is best for ~£50
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