Getting photographs out of backup and onto iPhone 5

16 Oct 2002
In the radio shack
Apple very kindly and unexpectedly swapped my iPhone 5 today after I noticed a bunch of gunk behind the camera lens. They said ti couldn't be cleaned and did a straight swap.

I have a full backup.

But I'd like to start again. There's a bunch of junk within that backup and I've never ever started again with an iPhone, I've always backed up, upgraded and restored.

The only things I'd like to keep are the photographs, all 3,500 of them!

Is there a way I can extract the photos from the existing backup and put them on the iPhone as a new device?
If the photos only exist in that backup then I'd restore the whole thing to your phone, pull the pictures into iPhoto and then wipe the handset.
Thanks, I was wondering if that might be the way to do it.


The last 1,000 pictures will be in my Photostream and I also have Dropbox Camera sync enabled so there are a huge bunch there as well.

And some of them will also be in iPhoto already!
I'd suggest a temporary full restore and then sync like others have said.

iPhoto should notice duplicates and offer and import for only the new ones.

Then Settings > General > Reset > Erase All Content and Settings.
I got them all out of the backup file using iBackup Viewer as mentioned above and then was able to put them all back into my camera roll using drop2Roll which was great. The only issue was that it seems to have lost the dates and locations but I can live with that. They're all flagged as 'today' with no GPS data.
import into iPhoto? I'm assuming that it's not a mac it's attached to? Doh.. bit slow I see you have that answered :D
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