Getting Photos off an iPad 4

3 Jun 2012

I have an ipad 4 here that's destroyed, I can get it to work on the pc with the motherboard out and connected up to get the data back.

I managed to get the photos stored in the DCIM Folder but the other 907 that are hidden away i cant get too, Itunes is the most useless POS ever!

Anyway its urgent i get these photo's the woman who owned it unfortunately died and the husband wants them.

I do Plan to rebuild it from scratch, just waiting for the parts but i would like to send him the images to nite or tomorrow.

Does anyone here have any idea? I can get a hold of a mac air if only mac software will do it.

I cant use the ipad as all i have is the Power button flex, dock connector, Motherboard and the battery connected up to be able to access the data.

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