Well I've almost finished selling all my old tech stuff to get a mac book white for uni. The spec I'm likely to go for is 4GB Ram, 120GB Hard drive and get a dvi converter to connect it to my samsung monitor (and get wireless keyboard and monitor when I get the funds).
I don't have any experience with apple software. I guess some questions I have:
- Will iwork documents be compatible with windows as all my work needs to be windows compatible to be marked?
- Can you install windows messenger or a mac variant which I can use my hotmail account on?
- Does leopard come included when you buy a new mac from the apple store online?
No doubt I'll think of some more questions...
I don't have any experience with apple software. I guess some questions I have:
- Will iwork documents be compatible with windows as all my work needs to be windows compatible to be marked?
- Can you install windows messenger or a mac variant which I can use my hotmail account on?
- Does leopard come included when you buy a new mac from the apple store online?
No doubt I'll think of some more questions...