Getting ready for MacBook Pro thread - Needed apps

10 Apr 2004
Now, I don't know if im going to use Time Machine or not, don't know how much system performance it uses.

But basically I'll have three layers of backup.

1st Layer = 360Gb
Mac HD 1 - 160Gb = system, applications, windows, some current files
Mac HD 2 - 200Gb = Lightroom + Library

2nd Layer = 500Gb eSATA
Mac HD 3 = First two + whatever else I can fill it up, maybe use Time Machine? :confused:

4th Layer = 320Gb
Mac HD 4 = Only main files photos etc, every 7 days backed up..

Now, what program will do a check new for new/changed files, copy them and delete what doesn't exist anymore from two sources? Which is preferably free or cheap because I am now, skint.

MSN Software? Im thinking im probably going to have to install windows to use MSN Plus + Games + webcam.

Games I *could* do without, so anything that could fit the bill there which is fast and easy to use as Live Messenger is?

Ill probably think of more things :p
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