Getting rid / selling your old games - DVD style cases

26 Feb 2004
Hampshire, England.
Hi guys,

Over the years I have amassed a lot of game cases - mostly post-Steam/digital account. The pre-Steam 'big boxes' I have been selling off on the Bay, and doing very nicely out of it I must say :cool:

But what are we meant to do with the DVD style case games? I don't need them anymore, the keys are all active on my accounts. I want to put them out there is there is a need but I'm a bit reluctant too with the keys, although used, still on the literature. Os there anything stopping someone buying them and saying their key has been hijacked ad getting it assigned to their account?

I know with Windows/Office you can call an automated system and get a key license freed up/reassigned because I've done it myself, legitimately, enough...

I have too much of a collection to just put out with the bins :(

I miss the big boxes and manuals, there was just something special about browsing the shop, taking it home, opening the box, reading the manual. Steam can’t do that. Call me old, but it’s an experience no one will have anymore.

Amyway, I binned all my old dvd case games.
Completely! I'm 36 and I still fondly remember dragging my dear old Nan to HMV after school and hoodwinking her into buying GTA (18) for me when it first came out... I can still see the shelf full of PC game boxes and the promotional display feature, it was glorious! The manual, key map guides and maps - its not the same these days is it?

It's actually one of the games I'll be selling, so mixed emotions :(

I think I'm going take the keys away and just recycle.

I've kept all my on my book shelf next to the rig for old times sake
Nice! I'm not "allowed" to do that... - I just asked :p

Besides collections, i don't think media has any resale value sadly. You can try an clear it through car-boot sales when you need to shift loads of stuff, but the sad reality it generally ends up in the bin. Think of all those tapes.

It highlights our wasteful nature. It's good to learn from in the past i found, even if for financial sake alone.
I'll recycle the plastic/paper/card if it comes to it, although there's a geeky shop in town that I might ask first? They're are essentially only decorations though now, aren't they? The media is out of date and requires a key.

Maybe I'll find a collector that just wants the artwork!

I probably would out those that do not activate on steam, and therefore can actually be resold and used, on the members market.

The rest, I would put all the codes and manuals in a drawer, bin the discs but put the cases on members market as I know someone will probably want them.
Yep, I'll probably shred the keys and try and get rid of the paperwork as a lot. I'm determined to have a clear out.

The cases aren't really used anymore are they? I've just found a load of new CD cases, that I used to keep for when CD's I'd bought arrived broken. Which was extremely regularly!

I haven't bought a physical CD in around 6 year I reckon...
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