I've been interested in homebrew beer or cider for a while now, I've been asked what I want for xmas so thinking of getting a homebrew starter set.
Anyone got any experience of doing homebrew? I'm a complete newbie to it all and I don't want to google 'starter set' and buy the first one I see - are there any that come recommended that are < £100 ? although saying that I found http://www.the-home-brew-shop.co.uk...int_5_gallons_English_Bitter_Starter_kit.html that looks pretty decent to my untrained eye.
I generally prefer ale to lager, but I guess I can make lagers and bitters using the same equipment? (obv not at the same time!).
Anyone got any experience of doing homebrew? I'm a complete newbie to it all and I don't want to google 'starter set' and buy the first one I see - are there any that come recommended that are < £100 ? although saying that I found http://www.the-home-brew-shop.co.uk...int_5_gallons_English_Bitter_Starter_kit.html that looks pretty decent to my untrained eye.
I generally prefer ale to lager, but I guess I can make lagers and bitters using the same equipment? (obv not at the same time!).