Getting that first job as a software developer.

17 Aug 2005
Hi all,
I have been studying with the Open Uni for a few years now, I have 2 months left before I move into my final year (well 2 as its part time). Am studying for a BSc in Computing and IT and doing software development. To date I have done well in all of my modules and score well in every assignment and done fine in my exams. However, when I take the time to look at what jobs are about to get an idea I feel like I am never going to be ready to apply to any of them. Feels like as soon as I start work I will be found out as a fraud, maybe even at the interview stage, "you say you studied this?" And never getting any where.

Has anyone else had this feeling? Having no experience working in this field what so ever, I feel that even getting an interview could be difficult. I am not sure at what point I will feel "ready" to step up and try. I assume this is common for people coming out of uni so hoping others here have gone through it.
I have started working on some small projects of my own and a few ideas for others I want to do. As soon as I have this exam out of the way I am going to put a lot more time into it. I am aware that is really beneficial have a portfolio of work.

radderfire, I think that is the scariest thing. When I look at the adverts for junior roles it's incredibly daunting.

I did take some time the other week to sort my CV out as it had been neglected for quite a while. I also emailed a place with a job advert asking for any advice they could give me. They said the same thing about having projects to work on and take on stuff for friends/family to learn. Even offered to look over any work I did if I wanted. Still, I have this feeling like I am faking it and all this time studying will be wasted.
Thanks for all the replies people, made me feel some what better about it.

niroe what modules did you do, any of these TU100, M250, M256, MU123, MT264, TT284? The last 2 are what I am currently doing.
Hello from a Swindon Web Developer.

Yey another Swindoner. Did you find it difficult looking for work in Swindon? I look occasionally but am never sure what I should apply for if I was in a position to. I am currently a postman and we should be moving to a 4 day week which will be perfect as I will have 3 modules to study at once starting from October. I couldn't move jobs now with needing all this time to do them as well.

I'm curious what course modules you have chosen and how you found them? Exams too? I'm looking at M256 and M250 next.

TU100 - Covers loads of topics, nothing in great detail. To me it seemed like a way for you to get an idea of what is involved in the different paths you can take and help you decide. No exam. Bunch of online assingnments(iCMAs) and teacher marked ones (TMAs)

M250 - I enjoyed this one. This is more coding heavy than most of the others I have done. You start at the very beginning going over all the basics and slowly introduced to more. This has an exam. It was okay, 3 hours total. A lot of code to be done by hand.

M256 - This one although has coding was more on the ideas behind software development. How do you get to the point of creating something. This theory stuff is probably some of the more important stuff you learn. Another exam with this one, same as M250 in most ways.

MU123 - Maths, bleh. Says it all ;)

MT264, - This one is VB specific. It has been enjoyable. A lot of the stuff from M250 and M256 apply here but obviously just a different language and this one incorporates GUI stuff which you don't really get to make or use in others. 4 TMAs for this one. Typically a TMA (the same for all) come around every 6 weeks and will cover the stuff you have done in those 6 weeks and stuff done before it. Actually have my exam for this one on Tuesday morning.

TT284 - Honestly, this is the worse module I have done. No exam, just an end of module assignment that is marked by the OU and not your tutor. The materials feel out dated, which is amazing because you don't get any printed materials for this because "the speed internet technology moves they would soon be out of date." Yet it covers old principles, stuff that doesn't seem to be used now, full of typos, the course seems scattered around all over the place. You dabble in lots of different things but only very briefly. I spent more time Googling for help than any other module to date. I'd find it hard to recommend this one at all. Thankfully I sent my final assignment off early and don't intend to look back until I get my result.

I have actually been looking up interview questions and what to expect. Quite often threads popup on reddit with people not long into their dev careers with what they have been through and what to expect. I have some of these bookmarked for future reference.
I have also booked places for my next modules and one of these is algorithms using Python. I knew this would be something I would need and I am using this for my free choice module.
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