Getting the best Overclock from my System

10 Jun 2006
W. Yorks
Hi Guys,
I am in need of a bit of advice, I am trying to get the best overclock from my system. I am relatively new to this overclocking lark but think I have got the hang of it fairly well.
Anyroad I have oc'd my AMD 3700+ Sandy to 2.4GHz (220 x 11), I cant seem to get it any further stable, my 2GB Crucial PC3200 (DDR400) timings are 3-3-3-8 1T @ 220MHz clock frequency, (1:1).
When I attempt to push both the CPU and RAM any further it fails using Prime95, current settings are fine though.
I was hoping to clock the CPU to atleast 2.6GHz.
Is the problem with my memory, my settings, my PSU, or me (steady ;) )
My sig shows my rig!!!!!!!!!!
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Thank's trojan698,
So what is best a higher clock frequency or lower tighter timings. I know that if I lower to 166MHz with the current FSB/HTT of 220 I will be getting a clock frequency of about 182MHz. If I up the FSB/HTT then this will raise my memory frequency, this I have done but am unable to get it just right where it becomes stable.
My best settings so far but which only lasted like 3 minutes on Prime95 were CPU 2530Mhz (230 x 11) vcore 1.35v, memory 230MHz 3-3-3-8.
Do I need to achieve lower tighter timings on my memory. Personally I feel my memory is holding me back, with me probably requiring a new PSU.
JaseUK said:
Thank's trojan698,
So what is best a higher clock frequency or lower tighter timings. I know that if I lower to 166MHz with the current FSB/HTT of 220 I will be getting a clock frequency of about 182MHz. If I up the FSB/HTT then this will raise my memory frequency, this I have done but am unable to get it just right where it becomes stable.
My best settings so far but which only lasted like 3 minutes on Prime95 were CPU 2530Mhz (230 x 11) vcore 1.35v, memory 230MHz 3-3-3-8.
Do I need to achieve lower tighter timings on my memory. Personally I feel my memory is holding me back, with me probably requiring a new PSU.

Hi mate, all you doing is awkward.

My advice to you is to find out maximum stable settings for CPU and RAM separately.

1. Put RAM on lowest divider and then overclock your CPU and see how far you can go.

2. When you get max stable from your CPU, then lower multi and play with RAM to find out how far you can push it.

3. When you will have find out max stable for CPU and RAM then you can start to put them together.

The way you overclocking now will take you age's to see end result.

As you have a descent cooler i would say you should be able to overclock your CPU to about 2.7-2.8GHz and as you have PC3200 RAM i would sugest to stay around 200MHz for it.

There is a few examples:

1. HTT 250 - x11 - divider 166 will give you CPU @2750MHz and RAM @196MHZ

2. HTT 250 - x10.5 - 166 will give you CPU @2625MHz and RAM @202MHz

3. HTT 250 - x10 - 166 will give you CPU @2500MHz and RAM @208MHz

But as i said 1st find out separately what your CPU and RAM is capable off and then try to find some whole picture ;).

Hope this helps.

. HTT 250 - x11 - divider 166 will give you CPU @2750MHz and RAM @196MHZ

that is exactly what I'm using with the same processor and an asrock mobo. its totally stable. I've now just got to get to tweaking at upping the htt any further makes it unstable on mine
k3v said:
. HTT 250 - x11 - divider 166 will give you CPU @2750MHz and RAM @196MHZ

that is exactly what I'm using with the same processor and an asrock mobo. its totally stable. I've now just got to get to tweaking at upping the htt any further makes it unstable on mine

Yep same settings here, stable as well
Thanks for all the advice guys, very much appreciated.

'k3v' are you using the CPU's stock voltage too.

best I get to work on my BIOS then :)
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